From Wednesday 26 July, YG Health Insurance Union’s official health event
“Midsummer Self-Care Challenge Month” will be held!
Simply log in for a chance to win luxurious relaxation products!
In addition, you can earn up to 1,000 Pep Points for using the app for 3 minutes a day.
In this event, the event-only character “YG Bear” makes a return after a year’s absence!
Together with you, he will work with you to achieve the best condition through self-care.
It’s up to you to decide what kind of transformation the chubby “YG Bear” will undergo!
This summer, get health, luxury goods and Pep Points through easy self-care!
Wednesday 26 July – Friday 25 August 2023
<Event rules>
Simply log in to the app and you will be automatically entered into a draw for luxury relaxation goods!
In addition, if you play for more than 3 minutes a day,
you will receive a dumbbell stamp on your dedicated event calendar.
Your “YG Bear” will grow in line with the number of dumbbell stamps!
This is a gorgeous event where you can earn up to 1000 Pep Points depending on the number of stamps ✨.
① Luxury relaxation goods
・NIPLUX EYE RELAX: Refresh your tired eyes with pressure and heat.
・Dr. Air Recovery Gun: Total care for tired neck, shoulders, arms and legs with comfortable stimulation.
⇒Participate in the lottery by simply logging in!
②Pep points
⇒Get 100 to 1,000 Pep points depending on your achievement status!
And those who have worked hard since the first day will have an additional chance.
③Full-Time Attendance Award
⇒If you work every day for all 31 days without fail,
your chances of winning luxurious relaxation goods will be doubled❗❗